Importance of a Successful Marketing Partnership

This is a question that will be debated and discussed pretty much no matter who you talk to about the subject. Those who may not have a marketing partner will tell you its not that important so I will race no matter what. Another individual will tell you life is so much better with one.

If you were to ask me my thoughts on the subject I would tell you, it is important to find a marketing partner. For those of you racing, you know how expensive the sport can be. Think about what goes into making those Bracket, Divisional or National points races. First of all you have to start with a chassis, engine, transmission, rear end pretty much a complete drive train. That is even before you have to opportunity to hit the track. Wouldn’t it be great if the cost stopped there!!! Not exactly…..ok, now you need fuel, oils, entry fees, cost to get your race car to the track. You need a tow vehicle to pull your fairly expensive trailer full of tools, parts, smaller tow vehicle, fuel etc. etc. etc.

A strong marketing partner enters into a mutual agreement. They will provide you funding in someway and in return you provide your marketing partner a likewise strong plan and agreement to successfully promote their organization. In the past simply put the companies logo and name on the car and trailer and promote them at races. Yes that is part of it but only the tip of the iceberg. It is all about the added value you provide your partner is what really counts. Having a specific and a strong go to market plan in the community is critical to the success of the partnership. What are other venues your partner is involved in? What charitable programs does the company or companies involve themselves with and how can you fit into those events in order to assist the success of your partner. Is your race organization involved in outside charities? This is another avenue to promote your partner and help drive “Brand” identification. Having a well organized presentation is very important and valuable to both of your organizations success. Look at it as a road map to your destination. There are so many different events, shows, race opportunities for you to help your marketing partner drive the success they are looking for in return. I have learned the success of any team or partnership starts with communication, open discussion, respect and understanding of what exactly both parties are looking to receive out of this type of mutual agreement. Uzbasic Motorsports recognizes just how much time, dedication and hard work it takes in order to present all the presentations, documentation, meeting and contacts needed in order to enter into a marketing partnership with a company and/or companies. Honestly we have been working on this endeavor for now going on a couple years. We have been very close a few times but unfortunately just came up short. Trust me when I say, small set backs only drive a desire within our organization to be successful and find that marketing partner!!! Don’t let the word “No” ever stop you from your success or dreams. At the end of the day, its all about the hard work and the effort you put in too be successful.

We at Uzbasic Motorsports understands the importance of driving “Brand” identification and recognition. We are more then willing to partner with a strong company or companies and enter into a positive relationship designed to provide a win-win success for all. You have to work extremely hard in order to be successful in anything you do. We are ready to work as hard as needed to help you be successful.

If anyone has questions please feel free to make comments or email me directly. I want to thank each and everyone of you that took the time to take a look at this blog posting. For those of you who are trying and have been less then successful, don’t stop putting yourself out there and trying because success can be around the next corner.

If interested, please contact me here at

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